Poppets Pre-School

Poppets Pre-School

Potential change to current practice

Dear Parents.

At Poppets we are reviewing how we use photographs to record learning experiences and share these with yourselves. 

Currently we are very careful to only use pictures of your own child in their yellow notebook making sure the picture excludes any friends that they may be playing with at the time. As you may be aware we use group photos on wall displays and on our digital photo frame.    All Parents sign our parental agreement to agree they are happy for this to take place.

We would like to use group photos in a notebook which will be shared with Poppets families and hopefully added to by yourselves. This will be in the format of  a shared  “Yellow book” which children will borrow in turn to share with yourselves at home showing  you how we all play nicely together, the activities they enjoy and how these fit in with our Rights Respecting work with the children.

This has led us to think that perhaps photo’s of your child playing with their friends would be a nice addition to their individual yellow book for you to not only see what they are playing but who they play with. Is this something  as parents you  would like to see?  Or, does this invade privacy as your child’s photo may then be in their friends book?

Please can I ask you to feed back on this matter using the reply slip below. We will of course abide by each families’ preference. No changes will be made unless we have your permission to do so.


You can fill the agreement below or download the document and email it. Download here

Use of Photographs in Poppets: please select appropriate

For photos of my child to be included in the booklet shared with other families.

For pictures of my child to be sent to St. Mark’s school in Uganda.

For pictures of my child playing with their friends to be included in their peers yellow notebook.