All our Poppets children are superheroes to us  but why not dress up as a superhero this week and donate £1 to Children In Need!?

On WED THURS and FRI at 11.30a.m ( for morning collect children) and 2.30 p.m ( for p.m collect children) the Poppets children will be running a juice bar.  The learning leads on from our Pumpkin shop where we were pretending to be shop keepers to learn our numbers, now we invite you to be our customers and come and taste a juice that the children will make fresh for you! ( under supervision)

It would really help if all our potential customers could bring in some fruit to be juiced! ( apple/ pear/ pineapple or may be some carrots!)  Then all monies raised can be donated to Children in Need.

Next week we will lead on from Pudsey bears to our BEAR topic ................ more news soon!