Poppets Pre-School

Browsing Archive: March, 2014

Last week of term

Posted by Lynn Newman on Saturday, March 29, 2014, In : Poppets News 
My goodness how quickly this term has flown by.

We hope  all our Poppets mummies have / will have a lovely Mother's day and wore your necklaces with pride!!
Great threading skills by your little ones.

Next week we shall be making our spring/ Easter crafts. So more lovely things coming your way!!

As part of our community involvement ethos we invite you to donate an Easter egg or any tinned product for the Christchurch Food bank.Collection box in Poppets Thank you.
This term we have sent a donation ...
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Back in business

Posted by Lynn Newman on Sunday, March 23, 2014, In : Poppets News 
Some problems with broadband have meant I have been unable to update our blog page ..So Sorry!!

Back in business now and there's lots been happening!

Thank you for helping us to decide on our Poppets trip..see poster on wall last chance to choose this week. Then we will arrange a date to go to the most popular choice.

We have seen lots of lovely daffodils in various stages of growth. The children bringing in their plant have added a leaf to our beanstalk. Well done all of you.    Are there any m...
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